Haunted Apartment

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by __Spitfire__, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. I had lived in a small apartment most of my life until I had moved which was early teenage years. My old apartment was very old and small one (building was made 100 Years ago).
    It had one bedroom and one bathroom. I lived with a family of 4, including me, and we all slept in that 1 bedroom. Many visitors are scared of the bedroom, just like I was, and believe theirs ghost and monsters in our home.
    I began to experience strange things around the house when I had reached sixth grade. At the time my uncle was sleeping over for 6 months. He was visiting America and he decided he would stay with us. This man had never been scared in his life, he would go to sleep in peace with the thing I am disturbed most by and do his daily activities with out one bit of fear with the scariest thing you can imagine.
    While I was home watching tv, I would see strange shadows from boxes and just think they are staring at me. I believed it was just me picturing things in my head so I just lived on with my life. A few months later I began to see terrifying images(like your mom) in my head while drifting off to sleep, each night these images had gotten vivider, thus bringing them into dreams. I began having nightmares of crazy things that I can't even explain.
    For one month I was back to normal, I had no worries and went to sleep with out being scared. After that month gone by I began to sleep walk... I had a bunk bed and was on the top bunk, I was able to see everything my family did. During the middle of the night I would just stare at them and my mom would see me staring at them.... I am asleep and have no idea that I am staring down at them. My mother would just stare at me wondering why am I being an idiot in the middle of the night, I usually do that during the day. A couple of days later I began to get off my bed and walk around the apartment , like I said I was sleep walking and that is common for many people. My mom slapped the poo out of me because I couldn't let her sleep Due to me walking around the apartment in the middle of the night.
    When I reached 8th grade I began to hear noises around the house and doors move open and closed. These were noises any of us can hear in any home but they were happening every other hour. Our neighbors, who came over ever Friday for 3 years, had a 1 year old daughter. It is believed that the young can see stuff we can't see so they have more reasons to be scared. She wouldn't step in our kitchen at all, she said she saw something there and she didn't stay in the kitchen unless someone opened the lights and stayed there with her.
    When I can't fall asleep in the middle of the night I would hear my sister yelling in her dreams and saying stuff out loud. This is where I knew we had a ghost or ghosts in our home.
    I would have chills every time I was in bed, I would have feelings someone one is breathing down my neck and watching me when I was alone and with some one.
    My parents didn't believe in stuff like that so I kept it low key and lived with it. We later on moved and I believe my new place is haunted also because I don't get a good vibe there knowing the person who lived there passed away there.
    GHOST BUSTERS !!!!!!!!!!
  3. Is this real or just in fan fiction
  4.  did not bother to read the whole thing
  5. AWH. That's why I don't like rentals or apartment. :/
  6. I'd rather rent a haunted house than own one. Easier to move
  7. This scared me shit less
  8. Too much reading
  9. I got chills and stopped reading ...
  10. you're haunted
  11. I am sadly...
  12. Now I'm paranoid. Kids, don't read this right before you go to sleep 
  13. Tis' amazing.. You should ask them ghost to be your friend