Harry Potter War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PleaseBeAGoodStarterPack, Aug 31, 2016.

  1. We should have a House War.

    If we do I'm president of Slytherin ?
  2. We need Katy Cats vs Beliebers war first
  3. That is a good idea but need more info ?
  4. just an idea if people actually like it we should
  5. Well there's your info
  6. Then support ?
  7. wait i can do this. i'll make it hella organized
  8. But why bb ? :'(
  9. not a fan of harry arp
  10. I'd love a HP hunt again...or war lol
  11. Okay do it then. Don't expect some1 else to do it. Go.go.go!
  12. Some people really live up to their name
  13. What about Katy Cats vs Beliebers war ? :roll:
  14. whi tf is justin beiber
  15. Come join the Katy Cat side
    They gonna hear us roar
  16. yodabest crash
  17. I will be very upset if im not Hufflepuff