Happy Mothers Day!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iNeedToGetOutMore, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. Happy mothers day to all the mums out there - I hope you had a good day and were waited on hand and foot 
  2. It's mothers day today?

    Didn't even notice...

  3. Hasn't that been already?
  4. In most countries it's not till May 13, 2012

    Where are you op? It's different for you?
  5. Unless... The OP is from the future!!
  6. What are you smoking? 
  7. In England it was today so stop criticising
  8. I wast criticizing just was wondering where the op was. Thanks for the info. 
  9. Yep in England it was 
  10. Well, I'm glad it's in May for me. I don't have to celebrate it. 

    Just kidding. It gives me more time to prepare and plan out a surprise.
  11. Happy mothers day!