Happy Birthday! Today is June 24th, and yesterday was June 23rd. Initially, I was going to only make Daisy a thread, but since Harmony's birthday is on the day after Daisy's, I decided why not combine the two. :lol: This is going to be long so if you don't want to read it all just scroll through and wish the two birthday princesses a happy birthday kay Daisy, My Queen <3 Daisy, or should I say Avril, I don't know where to start. We became friends because I decided to wall you one day for absolutely no reason at all :lol:. I'm glad we became friends this year, and I couldn't have asked for a better pup . ( You're lowkey the worst pup evur ? jk ) You're beautiful, funny, and probably the weirdest yet cutest person I know :'). Our tc is always active af, even though most of the time you're the one talking :cry: and you never gave me my tc rp either :cry: When I needed someone to cheer me up, you were always there. Telling me how much you love and appreciate me, even though we both know I love you and appreciate you wayyyyy more. :lol: I dunno know what to say anymore :? Sooo lets move on to your wedding with Crystal :lol: Sudden Wedding Apparently you're getting married, and becoming official (Crystal don't fall for it she's married to like 5 other people ??) Normally, I'm supposed to say congratulations... But Instead I'm gonna give you two a no support :roll: Sorz not sorz I support this though, since it's Tru af Birthday Wishes Smh I disagree ^ Ontoo Harmony the loser Ihy Tony SMH Harmony Loser <3 I met you on wc when you were pretending to be social (jk don't hate me pls ?) and I followed you because I thought you were funni :lol: But little did I know.. :cry: You were going to be a bully who liked goat cheese and smell like feet. :? You don't consider your birthday as speshul because you don't really celebrate it, but your birthday is special <3. You're a special person, and I appreciate you a lottttt, even though I don't show it sometiems :cry: Being the selfless, gorgeous, gr8 advice giving person you are, I hope you enjoy this terrible comic I made about our convo earlier today :cry: Even though it's terrible, I spent 4 hours on it kay ??, and it's the first comic I've ever made! Be nice thx I am a genius eryday :') Now you can look at this and pretend like I baked you a cookie cake ? Birthday Wishes Annnnd lastly, from Daddy Mirr This comes to an end of our birthday thread, I I love you two! <3 Enjoy your birthdays weirdos. #TonyIsLame #BoiBye #ThisTookLike7Hours :cry: #Rip #EvenThoughImAnHourLate #BBCodesPlsWerk
excuse me that's my queen not urs dis thread is nice af happy birthday both of u even tho idk harm ? u rly hot tho so there's that ?
Awwwww, this is sooooo nice and perfect i love it and the person behind it. And thank you for all the messages :') This made me so happy :cry: Crystal and i are official now ?
And harmony, I didn't get to include a message for you because i replied late :/ So here it is. I just wanted to say that i love you the most!! We met in a gc and I'm so glad we did. Didn't take much time for us to become bffs :') You're a little freak in and out. Always up to creepy stuff and what not. But you make me laugh always and maybe that's why i like you so much! I hope you have a great day and an even greatest year!! Be happy :') I'll be there for you always ♡
This is adorable I wasn't expecting you to make the double post LOL. And the comic made me crack up thank you Romeo and everyone who wished us a happy birthday
You did like 3 times an hour No support to your marriage :cry: That was the point ? and wow you still call me Romeo <3