Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by isammi_luv2whammibammi, Apr 21, 2020.

  1. Unless you don’t smoke/ingest cannabis, then I just wish you a happy day and respect your choice!

    But to those who do, tell me a happy weed memory!

    I am an empath with anxiety so there is just nothing better than alleviating those nerves. To FEEL the conversations and really connect with people. To FEEL the music and dance without worry.

    I was diagnosed with PTSD in 2014 and I have tried many things to help gain control. To be honest, Cannabis is the only thing that has made me feel better, in control... if that makes sense!

    thank you for reading my story!
  2. I also have PTSD and anxiety, unfortunately though weed doesn’t help. Shrooms however..✌🏼
    I did listen to a few hours of Tash Sultana and reach my inner peace today. Light one for me 🙃
  3. I'm fortunate enough to be able to say that to me, air is a drug.

    Glad you have something that helps
  4. I don't care for weed but I'm "4/20 friendly." Happy birthday to all the stoners
  5. I can tell you a not exactly happy and kind of dumb weed story. I don't have many since I don't smoke it. But one time I was with a fren and she wanted to light up and didn't want to be high alone so I took a few puffs off her pipe and accidentally inhaled some ash, which obviously ceased to be on fire as soon as it entered my body but it burned and hurt the whole night and I was convinced until I fell asleep that there was a tiny fire inside my lungs and I needed to go to the hospital and I was super panicky cuz my fren wasn't taking me seriously and she just laughed at me and then she told a bunch of ppl the day after. The end. Happy weed day.
  6. Today’s also the man and I’s anniversary 👫 he’ll smoke enough for us all
  7. Did you guys do that on purpose or the wedding just happened to be then
  8. It wasn’t on purpose lol