I'm Goldia My life is terrible, even though I get 3 iPhones a year! Condoms condoms hurray! Isn't it hard being me? Trolls, I hate yew all :333 I made the forums awesome! Condoms! Wooo! I'm so funny ;3
Hi Chloe. Wow. 3 iPhones a year is living the dream.. Well, part of it anyway. I wouldn't be here if it were for condoms.. So.. Er.. Can't say yay to that? However, I do yay condoms for helping prevent unwanted pregnancies. I have noticed.. You do add color to the forums.
No Anastasia it is not. Because really, you ony have one. OP, really? Wow. Just, wow. That's what I call immature.
Yes. Because my first one was a few years ago, The second wad broken. The third is this. :| So yes. Whoever's impersonating me, you're making a great example of being immature.