[GUIDE] How-To Gif Signature

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ArtRENAMED, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. How-To Edit Your Own Gif

    So, lately I've been making a ton of GifSigs (Gif Signatures, get on my level) for people who do not know how to make their own.

    It's ridiculously simple, because in most cases, you're only adding words to a *premade gif. The following gifs and tutorial are meant to show those who don't understand how, how-to.

    *Note: Creating a brand new gif is its own task, so I'm not including that how-to here, but an example of those is the tutorial gifs, as well as my personal signature.

    Tutorial Gif Número Uno:

    • Go to your web browser.
    • Go to Giphy, or your select gif website.
    • Input key words into the search bar.
    • Pick your gif.
    • Press and hold gif until it gives you options. Select "Copy".

    Voilà, you've selected your gif!

    Tutorial Gif #2:

    • Go to Online-Image-Editor.com, or your default image/gif editor.
    • Scroll down, then click the "From URL" tab.
    • Paste the nifty little url that you just copied, then click "Upload" or "Go".

    You'll be directed to a page where your gif is ready for editing.
    Once there, you can add text, crop, and a myriad of other things. I'm just going to explain how you add and edit text.

    • Press the "T"ext tab. (The side of your screen will show the different options for text: font, size, color.)
    • Tap the text box and input whatever you want.
    • Press "Preview" and you'll see your words pop up.
    • Edit the settings for your text as you wish.
    • After your text is in order, press "Apply".
    • To save, click the button for it in the top left corner and choose "Local".

    You'll be directed to another page with your edited gif.
    Copy the url.

    Last Tutorial Gif:

    I'm just going to assume that this gif is self-explanatory and that we all know how to bb-code images by now.

    So there you have it!

    It looks like a lot, but it really isn't. It takes me about an hour (making them for people I don't know, and just spitballing their tastes), but probably less considering you'd be doing it for yourself and you know what you like.

    *The end result:

    *Note: Remember to add "fit" behind "img" in the brackets so that it sizes right for forums, like so: [*imgfit]Insert bb-code[*/imgfit]. Remove the asterisks and that should be it.

    Anyways, that is all. Now, you are set free from this tl;dr nightmare. Go, make your new gifs and present them to forums proudly.

    This message presented to forums by:
  2. I always wondered how to do that? thanks
  3. I approve
  4. Can you make me one ?. I'm too lazy
  5. I would love one made for me... But i know that's not going to happen.....
  6. What's ironic is that I made the guide so people would stop asking me. ?
  7. Hahaha I know that's why I asked ?.

  8. You monster! ?
  9. :?
  10. Cue the alts of people who hate A.
  11. I'm surprised they haven't crept in yet.
  12. Cuz this thread sucks, that's why.
  13. :roll: and what exactly are they supposed to say? There's nothing wrong with the thread.

    Nice work, op.
  14. Congrats on your first post. Welcome to forums.
  15. My feelers, they hurt.
  16. Sticky!!!?More Mcfries for you
  17. Alts tend to come no matter the thread, and thank you.
  18. Eh, then just ignore them. If you're confident with your work then they're irrelevant.