Group chats

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Preevish, May 18, 2019.

  1. I would like to ask ATA if they can bring an update regarding group chat and extend the members limit from 25 to 50 & can the bring an update on making a person as an admin of the GC(group chat) then will be very convenient to handle the group chat
  2. Just use line or discord
  3. Just join a club together. Why do you need 50 people in a pimd gc
  4. 50 people in a gc on here seems unnecessary.
  5. nO SuPpOrT
  6. Is probably a rp gc
  8. Admin of gc sounds like a good idea though
  9. No we need gc to allow 10,000 members. We need this ata i mean I’m not even in any gc but yeah help the rp cringe
  10. Anon no :lol:
  11. Jesus christ, 50???
  12. 10,000
  13. Maddi plz
  14. No kick wars are fun ...
  15. No that’s too much
  16. 10,001 is too much, I settled
  17. How you gonna run a gc with 10,000 people tho, that’s chaos anon :lol:
  18. He can just make the gc then abandon it when it gets 10,000 members
  19. I’m sure being in a rp gc is chaos enough for these people so why not give them what they want? Do you wanna deny happiness maddi? HmMmMmMm
  20. lmao a rp gc? is there like an orgy in there 