Discussion in 'Wars' started by Kefo, Jan 31, 2019.

  1. I don't know about you, but that was my favourite hunt of all time.

    Unlike the Vampires vs. Demons pvp team hunt(undead undergrads), this one was actually a close competition.

    The teams' final scores came out the way they did not because of uneven distribution of team members, but due to team organization and functionality.

    In this thread, I'd like to discuss some things that impacted the turnout of the hunt, and provide some general feedback...

    First off is the groups chats.

    The first events that heavily swayed scores had to do with the ownership of group chats.


    Every team had group chat at the beginning, and some people were out to fight for their team. Some gc's got nuked by hostile forces. People would also join, kick members, cause drama, spam memes, or make stupid suggestions to jeopardize the team's order.

    Blue was hit notoriously hard by this, and they didn't properly reform their gc for a while after it was struck.

    Lyssa made the green team GC, and had admins who were responsible for vetting new members. We had them post their ign's so we could verify that they were, in fact, green, and not spies.

    Eventually, it too came under attack when outsider got in, but Lyssa was quick to make a new gc and people were invited to it. This GC lasted us the rest of the hunt.


    We had many people help lead throughout the hunt: We had 3 who were the most active:
    KingSher, Beeva, and Kefo.

    And many who helped out along the way including A-a-ron, Vo, Rivalee, Eddy, Reaperz, xrjain942, i_josh_am-king, DrCourtney, loulonn, captivating (and I probably missed, some, sorry).


    Morale was incredibly important during the hunt. We had goals, were proud of our greenness, and fought hard for our Ogrelord, Sherk. We fought hard for our team and checked GC to listen to the words of our leaders to guide us in the right direction for our cause, whether it be to Wet Feet, Noot Noot, Sour Fart, or China.

    A mysterious cat struck the fishy drums while we marched, and we created lots of propaganda.

    I'm especially proud of the green gc cover image which I developed, and for the memes that Deviously_Cudda, Swinglow, myself, and many others created. (See some below)

    (It's funny cause blue had amazing spirit and kept pace for most of the hunt, even closing in to be 170k behind red)

    With the memes and propaganda, we kept morale up. The GC was being lead for the majority of the time, and we had 3 main team goals which we fought for and met.
    First: To overtake Red,
    Second: To quad-cap forts because somehow Blue did that, and
    Third: To lead by 1 million points.

    We ended up leading by 1.8 million.


    This was a big event and worthy of recognition. While we quad-capped at least 10 times by the end of hunt, it was intense at the beginning. Forts sometimes exceeded 8000HP, and people were on and leading actively. Nobody wanted to let any other team capture 3 forts, and we had the resources that meant that denying/taking was a big deal. It slowed down towards the end and quad-caps became more commonplace because we just weren't paying as much attention. But Blue did it in the thick of it. Right in Red and Green's faces. And when KingSher and I were leading, and we pushed to get 4 for green, we failed a few times despite putting in lots of effort. and when we eventually got it, we were super duper proud as blue must have been!

    I give blue major props for doing it first.

    But we did it second B)


    There was an alternative strategy to the GC, which is educating the "machine" and adding people to it. This required additional effort but could probably work better than the GC did.
    I tried it a bit during the hunt. I wrote a step-by-step order for how to participate and help out our team, and pm'd it to many greens (because I didn't want to educate reds and blues)

    Having a squadron of teachers going out and helping out greenies to participcate would have been a big help, but we didn't do that.


    One of the more notorious highlights of this event was Red's blunder.

    I had a hunch that this had to do with the "Give our Glorious Leader a Mod Crate" thread
    My hunch was that their Glorious Leader wasn't actively seeking people to share the burden of their responsibility with...
    It seemed that They were doing a team's work on their own. My first question was: what happens when they sleep? They are only mortal.
    The answer was that red's score...
    Red's score suffered. When They slept, the team slept, and blue and green were still pumping.

    Whether Their leader was unwise, afraid to trust their team, or a selfish hero, I'm not sure, but sharing of respinsibility was what made green take the lead.

    This was confirmed from a conversation I had with a friend who said they were frustrated by their red team. They said that they inquired about the leadership structure of the red team, and that the response they received was something along the lines of "Our Glorious Leader has been working very hard... And we're proud of our Glorious Leader"

    Not the answer you'd hope for.

    This, plus the fact that Their Glorious Leader organized a free PPA flash session for any reds to join shows that the Reds took their color too seriously.

    The reds went down the Communist route which, in this scenario, as in many others, was a complete and utter blunder, and is the main reason that they lost the lead.
    The red team maintained a GC, and many of their members fought fiercely throughout the event. They were a very strong team, but poor leadership allowed Green to take the lead.

    At the beginning of the hunt, it hurt me to go to sleep and see that nobody in the Green GC was there to pick up the torch and continue leading.
    We decided to ask people who were on around when we went offline, to lead, and we just made sure that people felt welcome to step up at any time, and people did. I watched over them a bit to see that they were doing OK, and they were. All a leader really had to do was to call out when towers were open. The more cycles per day that get called out, the more likely we were to get towers, and our lead always increased.

    Having leader stepping up to help out around the clock was our greatest strength. We stuck to our objectives, and pushed the forts we needed.


    We held 2 green-exclusive premium party sessions which helped too, hosted by Lyssa and Beeva, and with many generous donations <3

    These were very beneficial. We used the funds from the first few parties to batter down forts, and when we had 3, we all ed'd with the new snow.


    (I amn't talking about tactics yet, but if you want it, plz post in comments and I'll add it later. Ty)

    I also got 3 last hits ?

    #GreenTeam #RedTeam #BlueTeam #Snow-nanigans #Snownanigans #Winter #Snowball #Snow #Fight #Versus #Teams
    Muschi likes this.
  2. I’ve been voting NO on the “did you enjoy last hunt? ” feedback since BF 
    Kefo likes this.
  3. Same but this was a big, fat YESMMMMMMM
  4. @ATA put me n Kefo on the same team next time pls
    Kefo likes this.
  5. "snownanigams"
    Kefo likes this.
  6. He has a lot of typos in this thread but we still stan
    Kefo likes this.
  7. 
  8. E X C I T E D
  9. ah, i only looked at the pictures.
    Kefo likes this.
  10. That was the longest explanation over a hunt I’ve ever seen, no one even invited me into the blue gc even though I asked like 2 ppl
    Kefo likes this.
  11. I vote yes/no according to my opinion, this one was a no due to blue team sucking and the Avis not being that good
  12. I have a hunch that it was small. Green gc was constantly between 200 and 250 people

    ^ better male woulda been nice
  13. The PvP Avis both sucked, the female was the worst avi I’ve seen for a while, looked so lame, somewhat deterred me but I gave up after deciding to stick with friend in mead
  14. Blue gc currently has 238 in it. It's been fluxuating between 200-250 for the entire hunt just like you said green did.
    Kefo likes this.
  15. That explains why you kept up throughout :D
    Muschi likes this.
    Kefo likes this.
  17. Well done green!
    Kefo likes this.
  18. Good job everyone! This hunt was great tbh. ATA, big like for now. GREEN BEST TEAM EVER xoxo

    ps. didn't expect this thread to be this long lol gj jefo
    Kefo likes this.
  19. i wasn’t invited to the gc

    Kefo likes this.