I will post a pic of a guy every day and u should yell me what u think... My first post is of Scotty Vanity! I myself think he's really hot... What do u think?
Keep it on one thread, and I would do anything to troll this thread, but I'm holding back on this one for obvious reasons. Post all your fanny busters on one thread please.
I was going to keep it on one thread... And at least I posted this in off topic... Gesh... If all u were going to do was hate then y post a comment...
Cause we like the feeling when put your heart into a comment and then press post, SUCH A GOOD FEELING Or we troll :| either one works.
If I said that this was a waste of space you'd be like, "IT IS NOT A WASTE OF SPACE, UR A WASTE OF SPACE OMG I HATE YOU SO MUCH PLEASE LEAVE MY THREAD BEFORE I CALL THE COPS ON YOU OMG YOU TROLL I WISH YOU WOULD JUST DIE PLEASE STOP POSTING IM GOING TO TELL MY PARENTS." I've done that song and dance, and I'm just going to leave now. Save us all the trouble
better than OP imo to that pic, even marilyn manson got better fashion taste .-. since he's fashionable doh
i did...? did i?! well actually ur post reminds me of the "blaming cake since idontknowwhen" thread , soo.... BUMP that thread