Gifts or Wallart?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RinaBoBina, Nov 9, 2014.

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  1. If you want wallart or a gift (nothing huge just a 50/100m gift) then comment either "Wallart" or "Gift" below

    I know it's silly but I didn't wanna waste speakers asking who wanted some, and I've been giving wallart to randoms on WC who probably don't want it :lol: Just deal with it okay :roll:
  2. Wallart Please ?
  3. Wallart please!
  4. Wallart please and thank you.
  5. Wallart :) ty
  6. Ooh, I want more wallart! 

  7. Sorry spit, I would but I'm not willing to get silenced for you
  8. Wallart ?
  9. Ya not getting boobs
  10. :Lol:

    Rina, you're so good at wallart! Thanks!
  11. Wall art please
  12. ? gifts; spend all your ec on me rina ??
  13. Both 
  14. Wall art and gift please?
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