June 22 Dragon Pinata [stats]22,500/22,500[/stats] Northern Sand Castle [stats]25,000/25,000[/stats] June 24 Dragon Eggarita [stats]7,500/7,500[/stats] White Walksicle [stats]35,000/35,000[/stats] June 27 Mother of Liberty [stats]27,500/27,500[/stats] American Firedrake Fireworks [stats]10,000/10,000[/stats] June 29 The Buoyant Throne [stats]2,500/2,500[/stats] Dire Wolf Pinata [stats]65,000/65,000[/stats] July 1 Star-Spangled Layer Cake [stats]12,500/12,500[/stats] A Chest of Beers [stats]7,500/7,500[/stats]
It seems your EC gifts are staying at a high cost. It was nice last hunt you offered a gift at 5 EC. Why not more EC gifts in that price category?