Gift Bug

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by DarknessSunRise, Jan 4, 2020.

  1. I've started an alt about 5 months ago and until now it's stuck on tutorial. The hourly gift is gone on android device but it appears on Apple device. There need to be a fix for Android loop on tutorial. Please see two pictures I sent on email from Anabeel1990 Gmail

    On andoird device it doesn't show the gift to open - needs fixing.

    On Apple device it shows the gift to open - it's good here.
  2. I don't think you're supposed to tell your emails on forums
  3. Your not finished your tutoral follow the arrows what to do
  4. When you finish the basics it unlock the rest the game. It's not a bug you just not up to it yet
    Rizky and ThePhoenix2HisSloth like this.
  5. Also ata deleted they email so they won't see it. Why'd you make a alt when you still a noob just curis
  6. OP, you need to send support a help ticket in-game. You can't post in forums to contact support. Also please read up on the game rules as posting your email publicly is a no-no (and also generally unsafe).
    This account is the alt.
    Rizky and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  7. Does the tutorial really give out that many DNs?
    Rizky likes this.
  8. Meeting the jobs' milestones gives out a lot. I know there's also quite a few given from the actual tutorial.
    Rizky and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  9. Yea I thought they gave out like 50 total but seeing 89 freaked me
  10. Yehh they get a fuck ton now
  11. Ik I was saying it coz they found the dead email and even found forums but didn't find help ticket
  12. I got 89 on tutoral stuff alone then more from jobs with this acc. It's crazy how much get now
  13. Why r u guys going off topic
  14. Requesting lock.
  15. It's not off topic it has every thing to do with the tutoral which is what you asked for help with
  16. Rizky you can’t do that it’s not your thread 😂
    Rizky likes this.
  17. Can tho coz question anserd
    Rizky likes this.