Getting Myself Banned...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *BunanzaTheBunny (01), Oct 13, 2011.

  1. Yup.
    I'll be back, you just won't know who I am.

    Only...2? People know who I'll be when I return.
    Probably gonna be an I.P ban, I did some pretty bad stuff :l.

    Thanks for the giggles.
    I look forward to meeting you all....again?
  2. Buh bye bun bun
  3. The only thing I'll miss is having the "long ago" on my award 
  4. [​IMG]

  5. You know...

    Playing the villain just doesn't suit you.
  6. What did you do Bun? 
  7. He scammed people into volleying with him and stuck them with the allies and an oh so terrible opportunity to make 50m. He's such an evil person. :roll: Everyone is acting like he kicked a child in the face or something.
  8. DeAdMaU5
    Str: 12
    Intel: 16

    Again, where is the opportunity for her to make 50 m? No one is gonna buy that tutor.
  9. I wasn't kidding when I said I'd buy it if I have 1b and deadmau is still klynns.