Game date turned into dox threat

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by S_Man, Nov 29, 2020.

  1. So despite not being directly tied to it I was I. The rooms and chat when this happened a guy account name "obi-wan" was rising this girl who was in the part with us well she knows this the leader irl and they begin dating again, he flips out and doxs him and his rl then threatens to reveal everything about him/her globally if they don't quit the game including their name, operation, job and address to the world, when leader told them they are getting the police involved he runs to a party called gang bang and are now assaulting our guild on black Friday, four people quit the game so far, talk about toxic we are asking the owners for help but who knows , I'm planning to talk about it on my YouTube channel
    Kefo likes this.

  2. I seen this once in a telenovela.

    good luck
  3. Sounds messed up! People can be banned for that if it's proven but often they don't mind quitting. The threat goes beyond the game and spreads to any social media.

    I've never heard of the police being active or effective at preventing doxxing and stuff but that being said, it is something that should be talked about more and a video would be good.