Furniture Prices are trash

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by war-MaKo-war, Sep 25, 2021.

  1. Furniture 4+ years old are worth upgrade price.
    Now rarity in general is based off how many are left, and how old something is.
    For an example a classic 1930's car, if its one of few. It is worth as much as a new car.

    But on pimd. Furniture prices are dependent on supply and demand. The more someone wants it, the more its worth.
    Others have said prices are dependent on its popularity of a hunt. This means the more popular a hunt is the more its worth.

    I'm going to trigger a lot of people. But let's drive prices of older furniture 4+years ,to be more expensive.
    As less people have it, and how old it is. Thank you 🌝