
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Triggered, May 11, 2019.

  1. I’m silenced so I can’t ask for friends but I’m bored :(
  2. I'll be your friend.
  3. I'll be your friend tomorrow when I am not half asleep. ?
  5. Haha why are you silenced?
  6. I went on a Kanye West type rant
  7. Don’t be friends with Night, be friends with me :)
  8. I use to be scared of the dark so that’s a no go
  9. I’m nice and bright so dw 
  10. She's so rude.
  11. Well I was asleep when you made this so my bad
  12. I’ll be your friend if you pay for my future house
  13. I thought this was gonna be about the TV show and now I feel lied to.

    No support.
  14. Normie