Discussion in 'Wars' started by Tegan-Quin, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. Hire any and all tuts!
  2. I'd rather hire you…

    But pimd told me to war prep…I'm broke as a joke :(
  3. Lol I wouldn't hire me. My account is silenced.
  4. And Nikki gets the steal of a deal
  5. No one hires my tuts o.o
  6. It's because you have garbage tuts, if you want someone to hire your tuts I suggest pissing off the current #1 tutor VIP and he'll fail strip farm you, hiring all your tutors while you're on
  7. ^ I'm too low stat to say that.
  8. Aka piss you off? 
  9. Ur tuts too Op
  10. + with 5ec avatar.
  11. Ill hire all your tutors if you drop your enfire crew.
  12. Off my thread 
  13. License and registration please