I know over the years transgender and other LGBT community members have gotten lots of Avis over the year but what if one is going thru a name crisis like me right now I wanna go by Toby but can't change it or gain free gems before y'all say offer wall I can't they never have worked and take way to much work but yes support no support lemme know
No support because there would be no way for ATA to see who is telling the truth and who just has no EC and wants a name change. It’d lose ATA revenue, which would be bad for us all. I’m not saying you’re lying btw. I’m just saying that it would come to be used by people who have no problems with lying who want a username change.
I get what you’re going for, but no support. I feel like if ATA was going to do this they’d just let everyone have a free name change, which I don’t think they’d do as players have asked for it in the past.
I will never change my ign but 1 Day not for certain people (I am LGBTQ) for free name change won’t hurt. But it has to be inclusionary.
The only time I could see IGNs being "real" names are when roleplaying and the player wants one character (i.e. make their info look like a dating site thing) to use for all of them... Kind of hard to explain, I hope you get it
If u wanted to be called toby u would have selected it the first time just cuz ur a trans donesnt mean ur any different from anyone else ur still human
I judge ppl who use real names as igns. Even though a lot of ppl think/thought Wednesday is my real name
If this was “everyone gets a name change except trans people” there would be such an outcry and the thread would get locked so quick How about everyone who owns a cat irl gets 50% off purchasing hypnocats for a day? Anyone with identity crisis gets a free avi of their choice! Pet lovers get a free pet theme each hunt :lol:
No support. And the offer wall does work. If you complete a offer and STILL did not get your EC just press the report button and they'll ask for proof. The bigger the offer, the longer it takes to receive the EC. If you're saying it takes "too much work" then you aren't putting much effort to even try. No hate though. Good luck!
I am trans too and I totally feel this. I see everyone’s arguments though. I think a good way to address this is to allow everyone to earn a name change token or something every 6 months or so. That way it is not selective and still not a constant thing. It could be handled without anyone even wondering why they did it.
You can get ECs from doing jobs, but that’ll take a bit to get all 20 needed. Everyone gets 1 free name change when they start, so if you haven’t used it there you go
Woah woah woah. I’ve seen things online about how y’all wanna be treated equal. Literally just wait until V Day like everybody else