free farms

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ChaoticMind, Jun 12, 2016.

  1. Need money. Reply who I can farm that won't hit back and will let me farm
  2. here you can find inactive farms, have fun ;)
  3. Anyone in campus big/small enough to hit
  5. There's Alr a thread on this.Search before making a new thread.Mods pls lock?
  6. I enjoy the occasional unload or twelve on kitty.
  7. ? only cuz i like it
  8. In b4 lock
  9. Go hit kitty ;) She will most likely not hit back (Waits for the inc dances XD )
  10. :( i didnt even get to dance with you in war
  11. I will save a dance just for you next time :( I promise
  12. Make sure they hit back, best moments ever
  14. Blablabla...there is already a blablabal...mods lock blblaa...Such ppl should be locked away
  15. Lol
  16. no fun hitting inactives, try hitting those in cc, it is rare they would hit back
  17. 3 mcs farm lllllllllllchoreenlllllllllll
    Enjoy farming ?
  18. I won't hit back
  19. Headspace bro people keep telling they're inactive, but they seem active. I don't know.