Free Day of opening boxes and chest

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by YvngxAce, Apr 4, 2019.

  1. I was wondering if I would be a good idea for 1 day have a free open you boxes/chest day instead of always buying keys I thought about this because some people don't have money to buy all those keys and stuff...
  2. I agree, can't wait to unbox the 100s of boxes I got to get loads of stuff for free so the greedy ape people don't get revenue

  3. ??
  4. Gonna have to pass on this one. Try thinking of an idea that would be plausible ー from a business standpoint, this would be detrimental for ATA as they would lose a lot of profit. Anything that is going to result in a loss of profit automatically would be off the table, no matter how much the community likes the idea.
  5. I would love to say support but you know Dad needs money to keep us greedy peoples happy.
  6. lmao same but no be reasonable
  7. Awesome for us but not realistic.

    Just doing a special BOGO day(s) can be beneficiary for both.

    Buying one key nets 2 keys.
    More people will buy more keys entices people to spend more but also feel more rewarded and getting a deal.

    Also unlike the short daily specials it is unlimited for a day. Sales are sure to increase so a win win.
  8. Maybe we could make it fair and say they should sell a one time deal of a 1 day key you can open all the boxes you want with foe that day or for a few hours. And maybe sell it for 50 credits. ?
  9. I would support but let's be real.Ain't gonna happen so
  10. Support the BOGO. Still unlikely to happen, but a good idea.
  11. Snack wrap
  12. Totally support this!
  13. Totally right, maybe you get a free key instead as a thank you :)
  14. Supppppooorrrrttttt!!!!
    If it's on sale I'll buy it lol, but tbh ata does too short of a sale and im not gonna get a google card at midnight.....
  15. Maybe just be able to unlock ONE box for free?
  16. Apes will only do what they want at the end of the day that will net them profit they seem to forget without the community that buy cats EC VIP etc etc they wouldn’t survive just like HSH and the game would close

    For a idea to get the apes attention it would need 1000 supports and be a worth while suggestion

    But I must say I’m liking the idea of a timer key that would unlock any box for let’s say 1 hour for a cost of 50-70ec
  17. I’m mean I’m always down for free, but like not that.
  18. Just give me the boxes?