Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by madhatter512, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. So I won two cats on the spinner and have decided to share my good fortune with someone. The rules are super simple I'm actually giving away a cat and a bento so double trouble. First I have a number between 1-500 guess it right or guess the closest and you win the cat. I'm also thinking of a color and only the first person to guess it gets the bento. You can only enter once how ever you can reply with 367 blue and if you got both right you'd win both. I'll also randomly select some for an extra prize ? good luck.
  2. 69 turquoise
  3. THE BENTO Color HAS BEEN Found
  4. Green 333
  5. Is it a prime number or composite?
  6. Lol what was it?
  7. Yellow lol