
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GrandMaster-Dan, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. I am currently trying to email support on my computer to get my password. I do not see the "Forgot Password" button. It says I was not able to connect, help?
  2. Are you looking or your password to online forums? If so then only RA's/Mods can log into there.
  3. You are kidding ._. I was told you can go in there, and actually check out your profile.
  4. For KAW you can do that. KAW=Kindom At War. This is another ATA game.
  5. I was mislead by one of the ppl  Was told in a forum 30 min ago(?) But the topic was reseting I just wanna be cool and log in forums through computer.
    I have done it on KaW...
  6. Sorry you can't.
  7. I just looked at the thread on which you were "mislead". You can view forums from your laptop but you can't login.
  8. Ohh ohh i got snother question
  9. Ok what is it?
  10. I created another forum thread  seperate topic
  11. Please try and keep all your questions on one thread as it takes up more space and people will be aggravated by the numerous amount of threads.
  12. I have been at that point of rage 

    I have created... 3 today max?