Forum glitches

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Carrie, Mar 6, 2020.

  1. So, is this forum hosted by ATA? I've encountered annoying problems and I have no clue where to direct my feedback. I don't know if those come from the PIMD app or external factors such as the forum server or something.

    I've addressed this one before, but it's the main one and happens all the time. It's hard to explain but whenever I'm typing something, the letters will mix up, full words disappear or change the order, the whole thing becomes a crazy mess. It's annoying because I have to battle this glitch while trying to type a post. And sometimes trying to correct makes it even worse! 😐 Drives me nuts.

    The others happen less often, and are simpler things like taking really, really long to load. Could be my connection but other things in the game are always loading well, so it's unlikely. Sometimes it doesn't load at all and shows only a white screen, so I have to go back and try again. And when pressing to go to the next page of a thread, it has just randomly sent me back to the home page.
    Sometimes the search feature doesn't work, I try to search things and it spends a long time on a loading screen just to drop me back on the home page after a long wait. It's super weird.

    Anyone else experienced bugs while using forums? I'd like to hear, because I also don't know if it could be a device related problem.
  2. Forums is hosted by a company called XenForo. ATA just uses their services. I think you might be able to contact ATA about forum issues, and then can forward the complaint to XenForo... or if it's something ATA might be able to fix on their end? But I do know for sure that ATA didn't make these forums.
    Ulquiorra, Maddi_Matsu and Carrie like this.
  3. Okay, thank you! I saw their logo on the bottom and tried to look for contact info clicking on that "Help" button, but it's not there so I was wondering.

    I guess I might just try talking to ATA and hope it gets more stable in the future.
    Maddi_Matsu and Muschi like this.
  4. The "Help" button appears to give a general tutorial on the forum smilies (like :eek: and :p) and also XenForo's Terms of Service for using these forums rather than connecting you to some type of support team to help with technical issues.

    I did look up XenForo's contact page, and it gives you a form to send them an email. It does mention that technical issues should be sent through their "customer page" and links it, but the link makes you log in to the website. I'm assuming the customer in this case would be ATA since they are likely paying for XenForo's services.

    So it sounds like contacting ATA directly and skipping over XenForo might be your best option, and worst case scenario is that they direct you to XenForo.
    Ulquiorra, Maddi_Matsu and Carrie like this.