Forget About Easter

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GodTierOni, Apr 22, 2019.

  1. Easter is over

    But the real mvp is today...
    Happy Earth Day suckers!

    Since I cherish this tiny rock we call a home, I will be gifting misc to those who can post a funny earth related meme. Earth-chan is the cream of the crop but I know there are others which are well worthy of appreciation.

    There will be multiple winners so don’t assume that just because one winner is chosen, the contest is over.

  2. Idk how I feel about this.
  3. Calm down im only supporting cuz its about earth day. I still think youre stupid
  4.  I got my favorite but my sites being stupid.
  5. Ok good glad we’re on the same page
  6. A classic
  7. Lmfao. Sounds like something op would say
  8. I just happen to be a members of the flat earth society, off-topic note: the moon landing was fake. ?
  9. :lol:
  10. :lol:
  11. Uh false. I'm flat af
  12. The earth isn't flat, it's a fidget spinner.