Forced Full Screen "Deals" on logging in

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by AzureDragoon, Mar 10, 2022.

  1. ATA, how much money are you Losing that you thought this "feature" was a good idea?

    Snark aside, this is very annoying to come to anytime I log in. It actually discourages me from wanting to spend money because it feels desperate and it's highly intrusive. The fact the back button never works on these is also massively annoying and tells me to avoid looking in that section of the store.
    Oak, Muschi, Hag and 6 others like this.
  2. I thought I was the only one who thought they were annoying. I’d been messing around with the settings trying to see if there was a way to disable them but I don’t think there is.
    Muschi, Hag and bloodhoney like this.
  3. My acc has always been bugged against this. I never get deals or anything. It doesnt exist to me. I think im lucky with that lol
    bloodhoney likes this.
  4. I say my acc but i should say my game. Coz every acc ive ever had has had this bug
  5. There is not. Which is another red flag.
    bloodhoney likes this.
  6. It does kinda become a minor inconvenience when the first thing you see upon opening the app is “wanna spend money on a thing?” But there’s far more on here to spend time being unhappy with so I just move on
    Muschi and Heliopolis like this.
  7. A minor inconvenience? Ultimately it is just that. However, it's still very in your face and actually stops functionality.
    Muschi likes this.
  8. Just buy it 😐
  9. Truly this is really bad feature, if i wanna buy something il go to the store. Can this crap be removed somehow so i don't recieve it every time i enter ingame ?
  10. Yeah, I don't like it either.
    bloodhoney likes this.
  11. This would encourage more use of a "feature" I already hate. So, no, I won't do that.