This is written for my little half-brother Tyler, whom i only found out about a month ago. Without him, this story wouldn't have been created. Also, bear in mind that this is fictional, and part of my messed up imagination. As he is only a little one. I awoke to the blaring of my alarm clock, then the bitter sweet smell of strawberry pancakes filled my nostrils, bringing me to a sitting position. Sleepily, I ran a hand through my mouse-brown hair and yawned. I looked around my room, as usual then got up to throw on a shirt and headed to the kitchen. "Morning sleepy head, ready to see your dad today?" Lissie greeted me cheerfully, reminding me that I had a trip to the city to make. I was a foster kid, been with the same family since I was two, Lissie and Trevor were excellent foster parents, taking in three kids at a time until they were ready to leave. I had turned fifteen last month, so I had three more years with them. They also have Kira, who is 12 (she also has a massive crush on me) and Andre, who is 3. "You bet Liss. Where's Trev? It's Saturday, he doesn't usually work Saturdays." I observed, noticing he wasn't in the kitchen helping with breakfast or in the lounge with Andre like usual. "They're short of staff today, everyone's getting sick, he got called in," Lissie replied as she placed some slightly pinkish pancakes on the table, "Kira! Can you bring Andre in for breakfast?" Andre padded in with Kira in tow. He grinned at me and ran over. I scooped him up and held him above me, grinning as his squeals of joy filled the room. Kira smiled at me as she sat down to eat. I placed Andre in his chair and passed him the little green plate I got him for his birthday, then sat down myself. "So Tyler, what time do you have to go?" Kira asked with her gravelly voice. Her father had gotten drunk and beat her up when she was eight, doing some serious damage to her vocal cords. With time she could speak, but had a voice like tires on a gravel or dirt road for the rest of her life. "Uh, twelve... It's a ten minute train ride and then he's picking me up from the station... Finally get to see his apartment, someone's home tells you a lot you know." I smiled at her, wolfing down two of my pancakes. "Tyler! Eat slowly or your brain won't process the fact you've eaten!" Lissie scolded. "Sorry Lissie, I'll eat slower..." I sighed, pulling a silly face at Andre, who laughed and pulled a face back at me. Soon I had finished my pancakes and went to change and get my backpack, with my 'On The Train Kit' packed in there readily. Shrugging my backpack onto my shoulders, I grabbed my keys to the house and walked out the front door, shouting a quick goodbye to everyone. I walked briskly towards the train station, headphones over my ears and 'Thanks for the memories' playing just loud enough to annoy people. I hopped on the train just as the doors were able to close. Buying my ticket then sitting down, I hummed to myself and flipped through a book in my backpack I had gotten out before I got on the train. Virals was one of the few books I'd read over twenty times in the past two months. Then again, the 50 shades series has been intriguing me, making me wonder what it'd be like to do that, be a kinky guy. I smiled at the little girl watching me carefully with large dark eyes, probably eyeing my Satan bites. I shook my head as the song changed, a more up beat song, possibly one of my favorite songs lately. I soon found myself whisper-singing along. " I see you drivin round town with the girl I love and I'm like, forget you and forget her too " I sang mindlessly as I turned the page of my book, my stop was two more stops away, I knew from routine. I was a routine guy, got it from my real dad, Michael. He had secrets though, secrets I intend to find out. ~~~~~~~ Feedback good or bad is much appreciated, sorry for the slow start, but meh. I intend to continue this no matter what.
My stop finally came, along with the pointless shoving of business people trying to flood out the train. I sighed and headed for the bench I always sat on waiting for Michael. I noticed a girl sitting on my bench. Well, she was more of a woman kind of, but with incredible rainbow hair cut shorter than mine. I frowned and sat down on the opposite side of the bench, occasionally looking at her. She was kinda pretty I guess, her lips were thin and cherry pink , smiling as she sketched a falcon, claws outstretched and holding a banner, blank but clearly there for a reason. Probably to hold her lovers name or a friend, I don't know. My eyes travelled up to her pale hands, small and slender, working to keep it all steady. Her wrists were tattooed with the simplest butterflies, merely four ovals, but beautiful, detailed roses were around her wrist like a bracelet. My eyes trailed up her right arm, seeing little rings, dermals I think, going in twos up her arm. There were four pairs of rings going up her arm, with a bright and colorful ribbon weaving through each ring to tie up into a neat little bow on the inside of her elbow. Above her elbow were little tattoos of a lot of things... I could see clovers, pentacles, hearts and stars, ribbons and bows, a tie and a little Eiffel tower before the rest disappeared. "I can see you looking at me you know..." I was interrupted by a clear, soft voice. "I-I'm sorry, I've just never seen so many tattoos or piercings on a girl, well anyone before..." I stammered as I looked up, greeted by a pair of brilliant blue eyes, crinkled at the sides as she smiled. "It's okay, I'm designing a new one to put right here," She patted her right hipbone, "What do you think of it? I'm getting it today, I just have to re draw it for the people." I looked back to her picture, the banner filled out now with clear, slender letters. I gasped as she waved goodbye and walked over to the train that just turned up. What the hell? "Kiddo!" I was roused from my panic/worry by my dads voice, then him pulling me to my feet. I was still picturing the banner as we walked to the car, got in and drove off. Tyler Alan Tait - 13-05-1997 My birthday, my birth name. Who was she? ~~~~
Yup, I'm updating whether or not anyone is reading... ~~~ "You okay Ty? You look like you saw a ghost or something back there." Michael chuckled, looking at me from the corner of his eye. "Nah, just a girl with the strangest skin... Mostly tattoos and piercings... On her arms Michael, piercings!" I muttered mindlessly, looking out the window. We had been driving ten minutes now? I don't know... "Well, that is weird... But you know, you can get anywhere pierced nowadays..." Michael mused, turning into a car park, on the ground floor of a building with six or seven floors? I wasn't paying much attention... We got out the car and headed for the elevator, Michael stepping inside first and pressing the button. Floor 6. A minute rolled by as we ascended floor by floor, in complete awkward silence. Finally, after what seemed like forever, we arrived on floor six, Michael stepping out and heading for his apartment, unlocking the door quickly. I stepped inside and immediately took in a sharp breath as the scent of marijuana hit me. I looked around and saw a clean apartment, with a wall almost covered in framed photos with little plaques on the frames of each. I walked over to the wall and looked at each line of photos, evenly spaced out. I immediately recognized five of the people. There was Chloii in the first line, her blue eyes and black hair a dead giveaway, pictures starting from when she was three years old until her year 12 graduation. Next line was Elizabeth's, blonde hair, grey eyes, with the same arrangement. Next was Treenaties, same as her mother, brown hair brown eyes, same as the first two. Then Amber, she was missing her year 12 photo, only year 12. With her beautiful curly blonde hair. Then it was me, up to my year ten photo, even my dorky year six photo, gosh... The girls were my sisters, well, step sisters. But then there was an unfamiliar face line up next to my row, the first thing I noticed was her bright red hair, even from, birth? Her first photo was of her, small and fragile, red hair, closed eyes in the arms of a charming blonde. Down to around the age of probably 14? The plaque on the last frame read Willow - 2005 , while the last frame for the all of us ended at 2012, purely because Chloii, Elizabeth and Treenati were triplets and the line hadn't finished for me and Amber. "I guess you're wondering who Willow is?" Michaels voice interrupted my thinking. I nodded in response to his question. "Well, Willow is my daughter, first child... She's probably nineteen or twenty now... Hasn't really contacted me since her mum died. I think she moved in with some friends of hers... Hasn't kept in contact with me since 2007, kept in contact with Amber though... Amber says Willow dropped out when she moved in with her friends. I have her number but haven't called her..." Michael explains, leaving me speechless. "I know her current address too, I think you should meet her, she knows about you because she walked in on Chantelle and I discussing you once when you were tiny, only a baby." He writes an address and number on a piece of notepad paper, handing it to me quietly. Was that her at the station? Why haven't I heard of this before? ~~~~
The rest of the day went so very slowly. But I managed to swipe some of Michaels stash and a lighter. I have a small problem with stealing, I can't stop myself when there's a perfect opportunity. Mainly it was for old partners... But one of them tried to get me to stop. Jacob, but soon after I stopped, he split with me and ran off with a girl. I got over it fairly quickly and took back my ways. "So, Tyler... Heard anything from your mum?" Michael interrupted my thoughts yet again with a stupid question. "Not since she lost Tessa... And that was a year ago..." I answered stiffly. My mother was a drug addict, who took me in to a hospital when I was two, where they said I was failing to thrive. I was taken off her almost immediately and put into the arms of Trevor and Lissie, who have taken care of me ever since. My mother was put in rehab, visited me once a month, I used to get so scared and angry, hard to control after each visit... Around about two years ago she got out, and got addicted again. A year ago she was pregnant with a little girl, Tessa, but lost her. "Oh, well she's back in rehab... But I have to take you back to the station now don't I?" he tries to sound cheery, failing but still trying. "Mmhm..." I nodded and followed him back down to the car, driving back to the train station, where my train just turned up. I said good bye to Michael and hopped on the train, over thinking everything. I need to find Willow... ~~~~ Short update... Haven't been thinking straight lately
~Willows P.O.V~ "GET IN THE DAMN CAR WILLOW!" he shouted, grabbing my wrist and jerking me towards the door. "NO! I Won't let you do this!" I screamed, tears spilling over my cheeks as I tried to tear away. "You don't have a choice." He said coldly, throwing me in the car, not caring if I hurt myself. White. Clean. Pain. Tears. Death. It was everywhere, I couldn't escape, the man in the coat had me strapped down so I didn't get up and run, run to save a life, run to be happy. Cold, the lack of heat stung, searing my insides. I screamed and tried to kick the tool away. I couldn't stop it. "Oh god help me!" I cried out as it started "WILLOW!" I woke up, sitting up stiffly, cold sweat pouring down my back, my whole body shaking as hands pulled me to a warm chest, stroking my hair as I cried into the chest, sobs making my body shake more. "It was so vivid Reuben, it was like it was happening again. Oh god I felt everything." I sobbed into his chest, hearing the light click on and someone sigh. "Maybe we should get you into counseling baby... This is the tenth time in two weeks you've had this dream..." Reuben cooed, trying to sooth me. "He's right un poco... The terrors have been getting worse every night," I heard Lucas say comfortingly. "you're not going to get any sleep this way..." He was right. I hadn't slept properly in over three months. Every night I woke up screaming and crying. Every night the nightmare got worse. I re-live the worst day of my life, over and over. "Make sure no knives are within her reach, secure all the screws in the house and all the sharpener blades. I don't want her even more scarred. Get Jet and Uriel to help you if you must." Reuben murmured to Lucas, who immediately went and woke up Jet -his lover- to get him to help. "C'mon baby, go back to sleep... You'll be safe, I promise, go back to sleep." Reuben stroked my hair gently, trying to bring sleep to me. He crashed after five minutes and I reached under the mattress, pulling out a sharp screw, dragging it across my thighs hard, making sure I could feel the sting, no matter how I slept. I'd never get over it... Never... ~~~~ Finally gotten around to writing an update ._. Yeah, sorry if it's a liiiittle depressing, but meh... ._.