For the LOLs!!!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by GSOxPAPI, Apr 18, 2016.

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  1. You tell the story!!

    "You'll never catch me" says Daniel while running away from the bullies while at the same time astonishingly looking fabulous in his white vans......
  2. Then he trips and falls to the ground.The bullies come over and take his vans from his feet :)
  3. Well... That’s escalated quickly
  4. I want a part 2
  5. Still waiting
  6. Will always wait
  7. Hi I'm Sabrina carpenter
  9. Then Daniel kicks the bullies in the face he puts his vans back on and he runs off then he gras an AK47 and kills all the bullies
    THE END.
  10. As a lone girl witeness the murder involving Daniel and his tormentors she records vedio evidence which provides the police with evidence in the damn Daniel mascara. As Daniel is sentence to life in prison he questions what will he do now that his vans are blue... How will Daniel survive life in prison and will he drop the soap u tell me.
  11. Daniel Drops the soap, and whispers in my ear, You know you want it. He whips it out, it's so long and scary.

    Its a whip, idk how or where he got this whip from, was it from. His magic blue vans? Did he pull it out his booty? The world may never know.
  12. My typos are so strong 
  13. As the whip cracks upon pies back fat making the gelatinous globs dance in enjoyment he/she crys out "DAMNNNNNNNNNN DANIEL" just as the guard enter the showers hauling Daniel off the the crazy palace where he once more finds himself in white fans and with a secret candy cane shiv up the kister
  14. ^ Oh my. LOLOL. Ded.
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