for that we don’t have. now we have

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-Justin, May 24, 2019.

  1. TL
    Bad Jokes Schools

    Sex Bob Omb

    Thank you for pimd for providing me of this life. Lord know all us out here in foreign countries need it. 
  2. i’m so confused
  4. These are some stone age clubs
  5. RS? ? Don't be rood.
  6. okay but the title makes no sense? and the post even less so? i’m just ???
  7. Op is probably just high
  8. This x2
  9. God bless the Leakers! ️?
  10. Bless the great wars from the past
  11. Damn I miss cholo
  12. Are you saying you’re from a foreign country? If so why the American flag?
  13. The Other Guys
  15. I think he's part of the U.S. military and stationed in a foreign country, from doing a bit of lurking.
  17. Whilmst