First Date 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ScoobySnxcks, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. What is the worst thing you can say on a first date?
  2. I love you
  3. That you're an assassin
  4. Can you pay? I'm broke....
  5. Let's get married
  6. I live with my mom and im 40
  7. I would be like im not really a girl im a great dane ?
  8. I just feel a lot...I don't know.
  9. Let's make a kid
  10. How many people have you slept with on OkCupid?
  11. Lets go 
  12. Do you want to build a snowman?
  13. LOL u kinda made me spit the Windex I was drinking
  14. Yeah this is horrible
  15. An insult would ruin it although I don't see that happening ever, everything else I'd take as a joke.
  16. I don't know really but passing gas every two minutes smelling like someone died ?
  17. And what if you've never been on a date?