Filipino Peaches: By Crazy Adelynn

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Adelynn (01), Jul 4, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    Filipino Peaches. Picked and sliced fresh canned in fresh and pure unicorn blood.

    It's the healthiest peach out there. Buy some now for the low cost of $500,250

    Side effects include: Heart Attack, Vomitting, Seizures, Hives, Drowsiness, and Death.
    If you are experiencing any of these please call your local morgue and schedule a funeral date.

    This product is brought to you by:
    Doctor Peaches and Crazy Adelynn

    Coming Soon: Doctor Peaches Therapeutic Coffins
  2. This is amazing though. We will go a long way with our brand. We are like the DC of canned goods.
  3. I know right?!!?
  4. Blasphemy! e.e
    They're not even supposed to be in season yet
    Hmm........ seems a bit risky

  5. 
  6. They are recommended by a doctor!
  7. Thats like saying most dentists don't choose oral b.
  8. So, a corrupted one bent on world domination!
    Ever thought of that? O.O

  9. I'm the doctor...
  10. That's sooo sick 
  11. My point exactly

  12. Well at least one of my points ^_^

  13. Do you not see the doctors mask? I'm legit!
  14. :O Nope, If you had an office then I'd believe it

  15. I do. It's in a hospital.
  16. The makeshift one in that back alley?! Well then, you are very legit then

  17.  I want some peaches