Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TexasCrip, Mar 22, 2019.

  1. Can someone point me to a farm for stats thread?
  2. practice on me.

    but seriously, are you looking for a list of inactive players to practice on or a guide to pvp and farming?
  3. A list
  4. I'm looking for some good paying inavtive farms for my stats
  5. i bumped the inactive farms list thread made by kefo for you to find a target and practice on. this will also work if you go to your battle list ("meet people") and hit those inactive accounts also, considering that's a lot faster and easier, i hope that helped. i can also bump any other pvp and farming related threads/guides if you'd like, just wall me. good luck.
  6. Look at this mod material right here.
  7. "Inactive" accounts rarely show up on meet people.
    You'll see an account with really outdated showcase but they're still logged on... just probably their first time logging in in a while.
  8. Search a price in tutor list near yours, plenty of inactive around your stats
  9. Just hit your battlelist most people in here are soyboys and wont hit back
  10. That's boring
  11. They also cf after you hit them three to four times so free misc
  12. Sadly you wouldn't know about getting CFs :(
  13. I have plenty cf requests on my wall tho, buried under the recent posts :(
  14. Your showcase doesn't reflect that, sadly.
  15. Cause I don't ask for heavy cfs lol; feels bad cause some people spend real money on this game
  16. so what's the point if you don't get a "heavy" cf?
  17. PvP for the sake of PvP
  18. So you’re saying under posts that have been like 70 something days old. You got some CF’s that are probably listed as like “long ago” 
  19. True, I have been pretty much inactive the past year

  20. right, anyway...

    it's not that the inactive farm list is outdated, it's just more work when BL hitting is practically the same thing. I just don't think OP wants to get hit back yet, hence the practicing. get them F losses early so you don't quit over eds and tiny tut strips and think that's farming like most "smaller" accounts do. im happy people like OP are open to being shown pvp.