
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by x_FluorescentEllis_x, Jul 1, 2017.

  1. Now I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who is tired of farm bullies taking our stuff and money. I decree that farm bullies should be banned or farming should just be removed all together. It doesn't seem fair for the game.
  2. If the battle button is removed, then what are your misc items, stats, rs and tutors for?
  3. dtw. stupid noob
  4. If they take your "stuff," you allowed them to. It's all just pixels, either hit back or ignore it and party hardy ?
  5. Same as usual. Hit that cat cafe harder
  6. You know how many people will leave the game if the attack button is removed? Thats the dumbest thread i've ever read, please quit the game.
  7. No I will not quit the game over stating my opinion! If you don't like what I wrote, leave the thread.
  8. Maybe I will, and farm you on my way out 
  9. And this is what I'm talking about. Grow up
  10. Or, you can stop being a pathetic victim and farm back. There's always that.

    I get a genuine kick from these noobs who started playing after the party plunder restructure and are clueless to what really getting farmed feels like. Poor thing would probably need a crisis hotline.
  11. Seems opinions are against the rules on this game if people are gonna whine. Like don't comment if you don't like what she has to say. It's not that hard.

  12. So you're arguing that her opinion is valid but any opinion that voices descent is wrong? Why is her opinion worthy of your protection but no others?
  13. Every opinion matters but don't be a complete idiot about it. She just stated something and everyone made their opinions but bashed on her as well. Like why would someone tell her to quit over a simple opinion?
  14. Quit
  15. send complain to ata, i heard they are supportive
  16. This makes me so sad
    Maxine what game do you think you're playing? Someone lied to you.
    This game is a modified version of tekken/street fighter/mortal kombat.
    Sometimes when you suck you're gonna get beaten up and if you give people items to stop hitting you, that's on you.
    They're under no obligation to stop hitting you unless you give them incentive with a contract and make them stand by it.
    You make money by fighting or dancing other players, hitting parties or completing jobs.
    Only ONE of these requires any sort of skill, and only ONE of these was present at the conception of the game and created a framework for the later two.

    "Farming" -meaning pvp- is the core of this game and if you're unhappy with it, you're really just unhappy with the soul of this game, what makes it unique and successful and appealing to so many players, and maybe it isn't the game for you.

    If you learn a byte about this game before complaining, then maybe you will have more grace than to complain about the FREE apple you requested for being an apple ?
  17. 71 fight losses.. Oh no, how upsetting :(
  18. *farms people who've cf'd before cuz they'll cf again*
  19. I just wanted to stat an opinion! Is that so wrong?!
  20. Well said, Ross.