
Discussion in 'Wars' started by This_Warrior_Will_Never_CF, May 27, 2016.

  1. Hey all been on this game about 5 days now and wanna become a warrior and a farmer follow me if u can take me under ur wing and help me out follow me
  2. I'll teach you everything you need to know about cat cafe.
  3. You could always ask ur pup lol
  4. what is farming
  5. When you plow a field and then sow your seeds and care for them. Duh.
  6. 54/54 ed np
    That's farming m8
  7. Only warriors on this game are keyboard warriors
  8. 5 days those stats
    Hot damn u a wizard
  9. It's called Starter Pack ?
  10. Never heard or seen those
  11. You want to be a Warrior and a Farmer?
  12. time to wall your club owner , admins, pupil, and tutors asking you to stop :|
  13. I second this, I need a person that can teach me the ways of farming. My old pupu (Bunny) taught me some of the basics but I need to master it

    Somebody please be my sensei.
  15. Each of them would make fun of me for your losses being so low. :(
  16. Fine, cf granted