farming ppl

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Andrea785, Feb 18, 2018.

  1. Okay so I get that there’s a lot of farming clubs. I’m not complaining.. I mean.. you do you buddy.. but there is some guy trying to make a deal on me that I give up all my stuff or get farmed. (His account was bigger than mine js) WHAT IS THIS ?
  2. If I'm being honest, bringing it to forums will not help your case at all.
    What you can do: Negotiate a cf with him. He's requesting something unfair. If he's farming for furniture then report him.

    On a sidenote: Congrats on getting that cool 999EC furni
  3. LOL fùck that shït don't give into their demands little dude. No doubt it's one of those noobs who say they'll farm you if you don't give them your crap, but they are just giving you a load of rabid rat shít. Just keep playing like you normally do and ignore them.

  4. Yep. Just ignore them ?
  5. I was told that so many times
    Apparently bigger stat players make smaller accounts and try to take your shít
    Just tell them to farm you, they’ll get tired of it or just not even farm you if you don’t give them anything
  6. Is he even hitting? If not, as soon as you join a club go talk to pres and tell them he doesn't hit and that he's trying to take all your stuff so that he doesn't get you kicked. And then ignore him.
  7. Yeah do what wednesday said
    I was being kicked cause the idiot who was “farming” me told club pres that I was in sfw or something
    She was like 14x bigger than him, but being the pùssy that she was, she kicked me anyway ?

  8. That above comment tho
  9. I mean as a president, you're responsible for all the members of your club. When someone comes to me about sfw then I ask for proof especially since some ppl are fake farmers. From personal experience, weather it out or try and hit back.
  10. hit back to discourage him from farming you. People like soft targets. If you make their efforts not worth their time, they'll look elsewhere
  11. You look like a big spender hope you don’t get got. Good luck homie
  12. Typically when people ask for proof I farm their top 5 members (depending on the club, of course aka if they're in my hitting range of like up to 50-something mcs) and see if that's proof enough
  13. If you're that worried, don't leave any sort of link for them. Close to ug? Bank it up. Just ignore them, they're the one wasting time on you. Go make an alt if you're bored lol.
  14. Still gonna ask for real proof luv. Hitting top 5 members isn't proof lol.
  15. Offer them a chibi to go fugg themselves