farmer is on. _red-tiger_

Discussion in 'Wars' started by NgaSin, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. This guy is trying to farm me. l don't know what reason is.
    This is a good chance for pimd players to earn money from him. My best hit earning 13-15m ( l have no good tutors ).
    Good farms guys.
  2. No just No
  3. Farming is part of the game. Don't like it? Don't play it.
  4. Hey op how bout I farm you for calling out my friend who happens to be an old school player who hits off the bl?
  5. God I swear people are such noobs these days
  6. Farming for "calling out" a friend?

    Lol there's so many things wrong with this thread ?
  7. ?Well I'm just a little pissed I slept through the beta wars okay ?
  8. Lol you can't handle your own probs?
  9.  Red tiger can handle his own business just like OP can handle hers.
  10. Anya, no. Just, shut up before you further embaress yourself. ?

    I'm sorry rob that anya called you her friend.
  11. Yes I know cherry ?Anya is just a little bored
  12. And you can still sign up Anya.
  13. ?Ethan rob and me are friends!
  14. ?Just like caribou is your son right?
  15. ?for the next round I missed the first ones I slept thru the sign up period.
  16. Yes caribou is my pimd son
  17. Lol she stronger than Tiger and yet she need help
  18. She's probably a noob with high stats ?I run into alot of them during beta wars
  19. Tsk tsk you are stronger than him and can't solve your own problem no bueno