famous couples on pins

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *siyathma15 (01), Oct 16, 2011.

  1. I am really bored so I started this thread :p post the names of all the famous couples in pimd :)
  2. Ummm.... Me and cheekychloe (she doesn't know it but we are a couple )
  3. Me n SugarToes(Amandite)
  4. 



    -counts rings on fingers minus one-


    By the time I'm 15, people will call me "Queen of the Ghettos". o.o
  5. Me n Tre' Cool ^_^
  6. o.o

    I have only one relationship. It's homosexual. e.e

    Other than that I've got no hetrosexual relationships whatsoever, unless you count marriages. ._.
  7. Chewie and Sophie

    Oh and

    Cjs/Leo and PIMD_admin
  8. Me n -AOD-Jade 
    gal couple
    Me n -AOD-Zippy 
    boy couple