Falling Into༘ Pieces

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by CallMeNoona, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. A highly dramatic romance novel I've been working on. It's like a soap opera it's so dramatic it's really funny actually I'm not doing whole chapters because they're too long, so The updates are just going to be the chapters broken up Thank you for reading, if you are going to and please stay with me There may be some uncomfortable topics present in my story, so if you don't like it, please refrain from saying so and discontinue reading. I have warned you so please read at your own discretion. I have also watered my novel down so it's age appropriate and will not be locked or something

    -Katie Shute❄


    Hannah Evans was now sixteen and in her second year of high school. There was just one more year left of school and then she would be finished and on her way into the world. She had to admit she was a bit frightened at the thought, and many of her friends and classmates were. What was she going to do when she finished school?


    Startled, she looked up at the teenage boy who stood beside her. He had had light brown hair and light blue eyes. Gray, her older brother. It bothered her sometimes... the fact that he looked nothing like her. She had dark hair and dark eyes... and he didn't look anything like their parents either. It made her wonder about her parents faithfulness to each other. But she promised she would not think about it.

    "Are you okay?" he asked.

    "Yes. Why?"

    "Well you kind of just... you stopped walking," he said.

    She looked forward and realized that they were outside. She frowned, was she losing her mind? She couldn't remember anything previously that morning.

    "Did you sleep at all?" He asked. "You don't seem yourself. Or are you worried about your performance today?"

    The performance. That's right, she remembered now. She would perform and piece at the entrance ceremony at her high school for all the freshmen. A piano performance.

    "I forgot about that," she said quietly.

    "Do you remember the song you are performing."

    "Camille Saint-Saens Danse Macabre probably. The one transcribed by Liszt," she said and she continued walking.


    "Yeah... Only if Diane is performing Chopin's Fantaisie-Impromptu ."

    "How many performances this morning?"

    "Four. There's me, Diane, James and Kyle. The chairman asked us to perform for the music department freshmen because we are the top music students."

    "That side of the school is so... I don't know the word. Elite maybe?"


    "All the upperclass people attend the music or athlete departments."

    "I'm not an upperclass person and I'm in the music department."

    "I mean... you got thousands of scholarships, but I'm still in the regular department because I have no talent," he said and he laughed.

    "That's because you choose not to show it," she whispered and she sighed.


    "Nothing. Hurry up, or we're going to be late for school."

    "Way ahead of you," he said and he ran ahead of her. He turned around and smiled at her. "I dare you to catch me," he teased and he grinned.

    Her heart sped a little and she looked down at the ground. "No. I'm good," she said softly and she took a deep breath. Why was it that every time he said something her heart beat faster? He was her brother... Maybe he just made her angry? No, this wasn't anger that she felt...


    "Hey! Alan!"

    "What?" responds the young boy who stood in front of the athlete department doors.

    "You made it in! Good for you!" shouted the other boy.

    They boy, Alan, noticed the uniform his friend was wearing and smiled. "Seems you made it in too, Kaden," he said.

    Kaden smirked. "I knew I'd make it but I wasn't sure about you," he joked.

    "Shut up," laughed Alan. "So what's up with the uniforms eh? They're kidding us right? I don't wanna have to clean this everyday, it's too much of a hassle."

    "Just put up with it. I mean you're in West Gate's athletic department!"

    Alan sighed. "I guess you're right."

    "Hey! I heard the music department is having an entrance ceremony, wanna go?"

    "We're not in that department, what if we're seen?"

    "They're not gonna catch us haha, I met a girl from there and she's gonna help us get in."

    "So that's why you want to go," laughed Alan. He shook his head at his friend and folded his arms. "You're such a player."

    "Same goes to you friend! Six girls in four weeks? I could hardly call that being a kindness as to not rejecting them and breaking their hearts haha!"

    Alan couldn't deny that what he did in middle school hadn't been out of kindness, but it wasn't for laughs either. He merely smiled and nodded. "We'll enough talking, lets head over."

    In the next half hour, they were seated and hidden amongst the crowd of students. One by one, students entered the stage presence and performed their selected. They were all very talented.

    "How many more?" asked Kaden in a bit of a whiny tone.

    "One more," replied the girl who had invited them to sit with her and her friends. "The next girl is amazing. She is a piano prodigy and definitely one of the most talented females in the entire music department," said the girl with a slight amount of envy.

    "She sounds interesting," said Kaden. "What do you think Alan?"

    Alan didn't respond, his attention feel only on the girl who had just walked onstage. She wasn't beautiful but she wasn't plain looking either. She looked rather sophisticated and poised. Her long dark her fell down her back and she had bangs that covered her forehead. Her eyes seemed to shine in the light of the stage. She bowed and turned to the piano. He watched as her hands glided across the keys and every movement she made. She was very lovely to him and he found it difficult to peel his eyes away from her.

    "Eh? Did you fall in love with little miss rich girl?" Teased Kaden.

    "Shut up," said Alan and he frowned. Love? Maybe that's what the feeling in his heart was. Was he in love with this girl?


    Ohhhh. Drama. Not really. It's not there yet, but it will be thank you for reading and please comment things I could work on or change thanks
  2. I like it! All I ask is that you descripe surroundings a little more. BUMP.
  3. Yeahhh I always Have trouble with that D:
  4. Continue your story, it's good.
  5. -does a slow clap-
  6. Please continue
  7. She finished performing and there was a moment of silence before a loud applause broke out amongst the crowd. The dark auditorium was filled with the shouts and awes of the other students. She then took her bow and left the stage presence.

    "That was amazing, Hannah!" said Diane as she clapped for her. "You really are a prodigy! You are one of West Gate's most prized student for sure!"

    "You did well too Diane. Don't belittle yourself, your piece was rather complex as well."

    The girl blushes modestly and she smiled. "Thank you very much for that praise! I'll work harder so I can be in the same league as you!"

    Hannah sighed and she walked away. Why couldn't anyone see her as a normal student? She was constantly praised for her talent. She was often mistaken as a rich girl or a spoiled girl. She just wanted a friend. Someone she could be normal with.

    She stepped into the fresh air outside and took a deep breath. It was sunny out and there was not a cloud in the sky. The trees were still green but with hints of autumn were present in the leaves. It was a lovely day out today and it seemed to soothe her. She closed her eyes.

    "Excuse me..."

    She opened her eyes immediately and took notice of the boy who stood a few feet from her. "Yes?" She asked and she flipped we hair over her shoulder.

    "I saw your performance and..."

    She studied him. He was rather handsome. He had dark hair like hers but light blue eyes. His face looked mature, perhaps he was a third year? He was fit and stood at least a foot taller than her. She then took notice of his uniform. An athletic department uniform.

    "You are from the athletic department?" She asked.

    He paused. "Well yes..."

    "Then why are you here? Instead of complimenting me, shouldn't you be in class? This is the music department."

    He seemed rather surprised by her answer but he nonetheless smiled and nodded. "I should be, and I was going to leave until I heard your performance. It blew me away, I never thought music could sound so beautiful. The way you played those notes was truly extraordinary. It was definitely an honor to listen to your performance," he said and he smiled even more.

    She opened her mouth to reply but she froze. She had never received a comment like that before. And by an athletic department student no less.

    "Are you a freshman?" He asked.

    "No. I am a second year," she said softly.

    He smiled. "I'm sorry, you just seemed a little short to be a second or third year," he teased.

    "Short? I'm not that short! I'm 5'4"! You're just... tall!" She said, immediately regretting her choice of words. They sounded completely lame and she felt embarrassed when he laughed.

    "I do admit to being rather tall for my age," he said and he rubbed his neck.

    His age? "How old are you?" she asked.

    "I'm fifteen, I'm a freshman," he said and he smiled. "Why? Do I look older?" He asked and he raised his eyebrow.

    "That's not what I meant," She said. In truth she had thought him older.

    "You're a bad liar," he said and he smirked. "A really bad liar," he continued when he noticed her annoyed facial expression.

    "Sh-shut up," She said and she looked away from him.

    "You're kind of cute," he said. "I think you're a very classy person."

    She suddenly felt really embarrassed and she sighed. "I'm not. I'm just a normal high school student who happens to do well in music. That doesn't make me any better than anyone else."

    "Do you not like your talent?"

    "I never said that. I love the piano more than anything. It's my life... But I don't like people recognizing me only for that talent. I don't have any friends. I'm constantly surrounded by hundreds of people but no one is willing to be my friend." She paused. Why was she telling him this? She cleared her throat and turned towards the auditorium. "I'm sorry for bothering you with this. Please excuse me," she said.

    "Wait," he called out to her before she left. "I can be your friend."

    She stopped walking and turned around. "You want to be my friend?"

    He smiled gently at her. "Your passion for the piano is like my passion for soccer. I don't have very many friends as I do fans so I would appreciate someone in my life who I can talk to. You opened up to me and that made me really happy. I want to be friends with you, Hannah."

    "You know my name?"

    "It was in the pamphlet thing for the opening ceremony."

    "Oh... What is yours?"

    "My name is Alan. Alan Ryerson," he said and he smiled at her.

    "Nice to meet you."

    "Nice to meet you too," he said. "I hope we can become really good friends!"

    She smiled a bit before returning to her usual state. "Yes..."

  8. I love this . Romance irritates me sometimes.. But this is so good .
  10. Yeah... my pedo stories This one isn't though Finally came up with something that isn't pedo, but some other messed up material
  11. Continue  so Alan is 15 and she is 16? Damn 
  12. ;uuuuuuuuu;
  13. . 'Tis is awesome. BUMP.
  14. Love it, bump ^.^
  15. Update pleeaaasseeeeeee? 
  16. Updating today