Fact of the Day 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seriously, Mar 3, 2019.

  1. Fact of the Day

    Every day I will post one fact here. If any of you have interesting facts please pm me I’d love to hear them. If I like them I’ll post them here followed by your ign ?

    Anyways today’s fact of the day:
    Younger siblings tend to be funnier.

    There ya go folks. I’ll post another tomorrow ️
  2. You say fact of the day like it wont be a fact tomorrow
  3. You say fact of the day like it wont be a fact tomorrow
  4. Today in 1845
    Florida becomes the 27th U.S. state.
  5. No support
  6. lmfao anyways this thread is cute. Fun fact, cats can’t taste sweet things.
  7. Fun fact tomatoes are not a vegetable
  8. They are legally vegetables in the U.S., but botanically, yes, they are a fruit.
  9. Did a cat tell you that? ?
  10. My parents don’t love me.
  11. fact of the day: jaco is going off somewhere about something in forums. this is applicable to any day so incase you don't have a fact tomorrow, this will always work.
  12. Flies drink alcohol when sexually frustrated.
  13. Babies are cute
  14. Butterflies have been known to drink blood
  15. Fact of the Day

    Walking uses a total of 200 muscles with every step you take.
  17. The smallest park inthe world, and only leprechaun colony west of Ireland is in Portland OR 
  18. 
  19. Fact of the Day

    From: -BR1NGMETHAN0S-
    Snakes can predict earthquakes.
  20. Fact of the Day

    Rhinos are part of the same family as horses.