excuse me, fail troll, get out

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by kittehwars, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. Repetitively calling an amazing mod gay has to be the dumbest thing ive seen on the forums, and ive seen twilight/Bella and bubbub. So knock it off you no-life and go do something you might be good at (because you must suck at making friends with your attitude)
  2. Said the fail troll supportive idiot
  3. Agreed. They need to forum ban this troll. 
  4. Both sakuri, and Mrs. Fail troll here
  5. Honestly, is spamming forums all this troll has to do?
  6. Love you too
  7. Not really a fail troll when she has your attention
  8. True... Lets just call her an idiot
  9. Is she gone? Plz tell me she's gone!