The Lord God Created Humans In His Own "IMAGE" But There Has been alot of disbelief on earth . "Evolution" People believe we came From Monkeys lol so in other words you believe god came From a money lookalike too? Come on Really? Your trying to tell me that God involved from some idk monkey? God created us and made us diffrent to all the animals ..His Image! Out of all the animals ? Why would we be created from That? God Planned To make Humans The more superior people who Can control the world? He gave us Everything and The brains To discover alot . Would a monkey do this?THIS AINT PLANET OF THE APES MOVIE LOL The bible doesnt Lie My friends .. why would someone take thier time to write Lies? Ofc everyone is entitled to thier own beliefs but AS Gods People our job is to also help and Educate others into believing But what if god created us through evolution .. In the end do you really think? Thats BS..But the Question is WHAT IF Monkeys Were Created THROUGH US? could make abit of sense why they might have the same features as Humans . [/Lime] What do you think? GOD OR EVOLUTION!? And Do you believe in God? In not why?
if god was real, he would have made everybody intelligent enough to be open to other ideas and use correct spelling I'm going with the monkeys! ? Who doesn't wanna take after a smelly, hairy animal? Cause I sure do
@Rina whats the point of making everyone intelligente? this world would be extremely boring . God made everyone unique and diffrent . I understand you may not be as smart as u want to be rina . So maybe ask god for alot more intelligence
We share very similiar dna to monkeys. We share very similiar features. Monkeys also show an advance intelligence potiental compared to some other animals. It's very possible we evolved through homosepians. Not neccessarly because of god
I heard Flying Spaghetti MOnster was drunk and decided to create everything ? pastafarians have it good I'm agnostic theist but everything happened with a bang .. Nuff said
I'm happy with my intelligence, I was focusing that point more towards people who need to buy a dictionary, *cough* you *cough* I will not ask "god" for anything. Life is about challenges, intelligence is one. It is something you need to learn and achieve on your own, just as you do everything else. You cannot rely on "something" other than yourself to get you through life. I will leave this thread before I spam it with hateful comments thank you.
There is more proof in science than there is in the bible. Wither you believe in god or not, it's not right to come here and be biased. Saying that the bible is not a lie and that only god could create evaloution. Because its just as likely we came from the big bang as ut is we came from a god. This thread doesn't really send any educational messages across. No support
Lmao God Does Not exactly Give You Intelligence just like that . In the end its how much you want? I seen a person im church get prayed for and who hasnt beem out of his chair for 30YEARS! .. are u saying being disabled is a challnge u can overcome? Clearly doctors cant do nothing Lol . Yes Life has Challanges but other challanges only god can help YOU
yes but evolution is all about "THEORY" as for god there is too much evidence and Too much signs Of That He does Exist . Monkeys have simliar features to us . Thats true but why havent anyone have taken the theory the other way round? Perhaps these monkeys came from us and god used.some of our features on them.
I'll be honest religion leads to fanatism and Op is a brief example of it :lol: and I'm not even generalising since not everyone is the same but still ? come on dude