WHAT ARE YOU?? are you your brain? OR IS YOUR BRAIN YOU? are you simply just a mushy organ thats protected by YOUR SKULL? OR ARE YOU A SOUL? PERHAPS A HEART? OR WERE THESE MERELY CREATED By our minds TO TRICK US? Perhaps you are a body? Maybe you are a rotting corpse that somehow developed ego and consciousness?? OR MAYBE YOU ARE YOUR AWARENESS? you developed your awareness and that's all that you are. DoES your brain control you? Do you control it?? What the fuck are you? When you think you are awesome isn't that just your brain getting an ego boost tryna feel superior to all other brains??? Is your brain aware that other brains exist??? When it comes down to it. ARE YOU YOUR BRAIN? OR SIMPLY MORE. I was taking a shiet and I got this thought so I got on pimd and was like what the heck lemme dump on y'all again brb gonna wipe
Bruv I may take your consideration when I see you making better threads than your forum king. But til then your opinion doesn't really mean anything. Go on bruv make some threads and let's see whatcha got. You wouldn't even be able to top my worse threads on your best day. Yours truly, Da Forum King.
Why is he allowed to put the threads in Best Of? I thought ata moved threads there when they were of value. Besides attention seeking, these have zero value.