Update - April 17th @ 11:32AM PDTFor the Easter Long Weekend, we've increased the number of eggs from 800 to 1000 for winners, and from 100 to 125 for losers. This change will take effect with War #6. NOTE: This will be the final Egg drop increase, so get out there and have fun! PS: We've been gathering feedback about your concerns over the inactive players in wars. While we can't address this for the Easter event, we are looking at ways to fix this for future events. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. We hear you, and we too, want to end up with wars that reward people for their contributions, not just for signing up. Update - April 16th @ 1:45PM PDTWe've increased the number of eggs from 600 to 800 for winners, and from 75 to 100 for losers. This change will take effect with War #4. Update - April 15th @ 3:45PM PDTWe've increased the number of eggs from 400 to 600 for winners, and from 50 to 75 for losers. This change will take effect with War #2. While hunting for Easter Eggs is fun and all, nothing beats a good old fashion Food Fight! We've brought the best of both worlds together and are happy to announce the PIMD Easter Egg Fight. Take part in the egg flinging action and grab some eggs for yourself as well. How it Works 1) Open your profile and view the next Campus War. (The next Campus War section won't appear until registration for a war begins) 2) Tap Join 3) Leave your club before the registration period ends 4) Wait until you are automatically placed into a club 5) Wait for clubs to be balanced and the War to begin 6) Fight! Note: After the war you will not be able to leave your assigned clan until after rewards have been distributed. War Details Type: Food Fight Duration: 2 Hours # of Regens: 2 War Schedule There will be two wars a day from April 15th - 21st in the following timeslots: - Timeslot 1 - Registration: 12 - 6AM PDT (7AM - 1PM GMT) Matchmaking: 6 - 8AM PDT (1 - 3PM GMT) War: 8 - 10AM PDT (3 - 5PM GMT) - Timeslot 2 - Registration: 10:30AM - 3PM PDT (5:30PM - 10PM GMT) Matchmaking: 3 - 5PM PDT (10PM - 12AM GMT) War: 5 - 7PM PDT (12 - 2AM GMT) War Rewards Winners: 800 600 400 Easter Eggs of a random type Losers: 100 75 50 Easter Eggs of a random type
Re: Easter Egg Fight Like.. You have no idea, PimD_C. I take back my threat to spork you, and I offer you my undying, rainbow infested, better-love-story-than-twilight love.
Re: Easter Egg Fight You hear that pimd_c? You gotta deal with being stuck in a cage surrounded by sharks!