
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cleric, Apr 2, 2022.

  1. This deserves an entire thread.
    Why? Cause I am addicted to eggs.
    Someone sell me the monthly 499/999 that has the egg in it. Oki thanks
    TiaLovelace likes this.
  2. That scared the hell out of me for no reason
    Muschi likes this.
  3. So rude. It's just Danny Devito.... I get he isn't the most attractive guy but to call him scary? Wow....
    Cleric likes this.
  4. I know you see the odd glitchy stretch happening in the gif please LMFAO
  5. No sorry.... you must have bad internet connection
    Muschi likes this.
  7. Please now I feel crazy stop 🥲😂
    Muschi likes this.
  8. It gave me quite the scare when I tried searching for the normal gif myself 😂