Easy way to succeed

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -I_Am_Man_Of_Steel-, Mar 10, 2011.

  1. Alright, when you start out the game get some speakers from the store with your extra credits. Then just post out on campus chat that you are new and need hired/vollied, make sure you say please and thank you. Then once yoy have built up money, go into your crew and evict all 1k crew members. Buy only 225k crew members in order to be succesful. Also get into a really good club once you have great stats. Win money through wars and also if you dont want to join a club be a merc. When i say be a merc i mean to not join a club permanently but get in the club and help them with a war. If they win the war you will earn the money leaving you better off than you were. If you do this over and over you will slowly get more and more money.
  2. First of all no one is even hiring ppl bc of the tutor market 
  3. Really cuz ive been volleying ppl all i can so they can succeed
  4. Well it's true what Apoc said. You an volley people up to a certain stage, but atm, everyone is trying to upg
  5. Some ppls not understand what you say him . They newbies and need to teach how to play here and what need to do for hire this crew step by step .
    1. In home menu tap to crews . You see your crews there tap to one and tap to evict .
    2. When you have 1,1million in hand , add crew Suburban Rapper and tap 3 times to upgrade .
    3. Evict next crew near of your suburban rapper level 4 and add suburban rapper in this place to . Upgrade him to level4
    4. You see in your crews onlu Suburban Rappers level4 senior then rent one room and hire in this place Suburban Rapper level4 . If enought money , rent next room and hire crew Suburban Rapper level4....
    0. If your pupil tell you for he ready volley you to 500m and you must hire wrestlers only then wait when you have 16m and hire wrestlers only .