Recently, you added a section in the showcase for starred items. Starred items are usually the ones for sale in most players' showcases. But for some players, they only star some items that are valuable to them or those they are collecting. It confuses the buyers in the chatroom sometimes. Why don't you add a new section of the showcase where we can set the items we want to sell? And in that section, make us able to set our own prices on the items so people with enough chibis/bentos can just buy it without needing to confirm trade. Because of the difference in timezone, sometimes the buyer is present and the seller isn't, vice versa. Sometimes we even lose customers and sales that way. This way we don't need to wait long. If the buyer have enough chibis/bentos, they can just purchase the item from our showcase. Things will be a whole lot easier.
doesn't seem like a problem that cant be overcome by simply putting "starred for sale" "starred not for sale" in your character status.