Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llllllEXULANSISllllll, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. What is dvp?? Please explain it to me
  2. DVP = drop volley profit. Basically you volley tuts with another player until one of you gets however much money?
  3. R.I.P Dvp
    Dvp was my Fav lol :lol: but still :( R.I.P

    A moment of Silences please
    Amen :(
  4. Dvp is basically hiring a tutor back and forth with another player to make money.
    You make ~1.58% of the hire value every time a tutor is hired away from you, and the tutor price rises by 5% of the hire value with each hire - because of this, it's better to have a good amount of cash when giving/receiving dvp, since you need to volley a tutor to about 6x the price of the actual profit ie. to make 10b, you need to volley a tut to 60b. Whoever keeps the tutor in the end is the one giving dvp since they're losing that 60b.

    People sell various items for dvp, most common being a chibi for 1-2b each or a bento for 50-70b (prices fluctuate from person to person). This is the most efficient way to gain cash for upgrades as a smaller stat player.

    Hope I covered everything.
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