dum blonde jokes

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -uberhaxornova-, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. STOP IT NOOB. Stop making so many rubbish threads with no meaning!

    The Epic Helper
    Warrior's First Official Helper
  2. Dude this
    is a repeat of ur own thread and can someone PLZ report him for spamming the forums:?: ugh u fail

    Cyborg!! <(=_•)> rawr
  3. And stop saying your bro did this. That's a noob excuse.
  4. It's true its a fail excuse
  5. Noobs these days they don't read the ToU XD
  6. Dude just read the ToU it's like up there it has the Important
  7. Wel. That's the ToU for chatting and forums
  8. Yepperz and I just noticed :shock: :shock: this thread sucks oh wait I knew that 

    Cyborg!! <(=_•)> rawr
  9. stop spamming forums noob

  10. See these fingers thats the way to get off the forums so follow one of them u can pick which one

    Cyborg!! <(=_•)> rawr
  11. Here goes the lame excuse again...