Drop penalty removed for 24 hrs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Juubi-, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Who believes we could use a 24 period where all tutors dropped gave 100% back to the pupil?We have done this in the past to get rid of dead tutors and I believe it would be great to help kickstart the new tiers being released.Ive talked to a few older players who agree that those of is with over 90% of our tutors being inactive makes it impossible for players like us to upgrade and basically forces us to drop or start saving money from scratch.A one day period of time to cleanse the market and drop dead tutors would really give this game the momentum back that we have been losing for a long time.I believe it's time to freshen things up.

    Thank you for reading, Juubi

    (give me a little support on this I know all of you feel the same way.especially players that have spent years saving trillions just to have it become dead and useless while newer players blow past you while you stand still)

    (You know what I mean)

    (And for those of you with no sense that love to play the devils advocate just sit this one out for a change)
  2. Juubs
  3. I'm confused
  4. Webby

    If this goes well I may decide to come out of retirement for good
  5. If you hire someone.there price goes up roughly 10%.
    If you then drop someone youd make 10%.

    Lol support
  6. Support?
    It would help out a lot of players
  7. I have played nearly four years Devs do me this favor as well as all of your other loyal old timers this one time and save us from this stagnant mess we have found ourselves in

    We deserve a fresh start instead of feeling so hopeless on regaining our past glory and contemplating pimd suicide with the little red button

    Save the old folks pimd?You're our only hope
  8. This will also help many other players(it's not all about the old ones) in getting back on track with their goals and where the want to be.
  9. good idea op nt sure they will do it bt i hope so
  10. Support 

    I'm stuck with this one tut and I really need this 
  11. No support. Dropping tuts to upgrade is dumb to me. You shouldn't be a bc with tiny or no tb, tb is important to your strength in this game just like your stats are.
  12. S U P P O R T 
  13. SUPPORT!!!