
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by zZ-Belle-Zz, Aug 30, 2011.

  1. With great sorrow, I am posting this in regards to those who know my sister, Draz! I really don't know how much or how many of you know her and know what she is going thru. But I know she is well loved, she is such a great person, anyone who knows her loves her! But she will not be on the game for same time! I will not go into detail, other then she is ok, but she won't be available! It is nothing personal for any of you... She will miss a whole lot of people! But she has to take care of her life at the moment!
  2. Has anyone noticed that fries taste better with ketchup???
  3. what happened to draz belle? 
  4. I care belle take care
  5. I hope she’s doing well! 💓
  6. Even though this is very old, I too hope everything went and is going well.